Is Kombucha Risky?

  • By: Max S.
  • Date: January 19, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

If you enjoy kombucha, you may wonder if this trendy beverage is healthy for you. Or perhaps you’ve heard some spooky tales about kombucha and are unsure if you should drink it.

Don’t worry though, we’re here to dispel all myths about kombucha. How often should you drink kombucha for health? And other frequently asked questions are addressed in this article. Does consuming kombucha on an empty stomach pose any risks? And last but not least, can kombucha be bad for you?

Stay with us to find out whether kombucha lives up to the hype.

How Many Days A Week Should You Drink Kombucha? 

You could ask how frequently you ought to consume kombucha if you’re a lover of it. Although it is a tasty and energizing drink loaded with probiotics and other advantageous ingredients, it is possible to consume too much of a good thing. 

So how often should you be drinking that fizzy fermenting tea each week?

First, it’s crucial to remember that each person is unique, so what works for one person cannot work for another—however, a few things to consider before selecting how frequently to consume kombucha.

Probiotics, which are good bacteria that reside in your stomach and support a healthy digestive tract, are one of the critical advantages of kombucha. These probiotics can strengthen your immune system, aid in better digestion, and possibly even lower your chance of contracting chronic conditions. 

It’s crucial to remember that while kombucha does contain probiotics, a regular probiotic supplement is still recommended. It’s a good idea to see a healthcare provider to identify the best course of action if you want to boost your intake of probiotics.

Additionally, you should consider how much sugar is in kombucha. It’s important to remember that because kombucha is a fermented beverage, it does contain some sugar, even though it’s typically marketed as a healthier alternative to soda. 

Although kombucha’s sugar content can vary depending on the brand and variation you choose, it is typically lower than soda. Despite this, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your overall sugar intake, especially if you’re trying to control a medical condition like diabetes or maintain a healthy weight.

With the information mentioned above in mind, how many days a week should you be drinking kombucha? It’s pretty acceptable to drink kombucha a few times a week as long as you don’t overdo the sugar and don’t rely only on it for probiotics. 

One or two modest servings of kombucha (8 ounces or less) per day, once or twice a week, may be just the right amount for some folks. The most important thing is to choose something that fits your needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

It’s also important to note that if you’re unfamiliar with kombucha, you may want to begin by consuming a tiny serving each day and gradually increase your intake to observe how your body responds. If people aren’t used to consuming fermented foods, they may have digestive problems when they first start drinking kombucha. 

Try cutting back on your consumption or taking a few days off from drinking kombucha if you notice any stomach pain.

How Often Should You Drink Kombucha For Health? 

mojo kombucha

It’s important to note that kombucha is generally considered safe to consume in moderation. That being said, it does contain small amounts of alcohol (usually less than 0.5% ABV) and caffeine, so it’s not advisable to chug it down like water.

As for the actual frequency of kombucha consumption, it’s generally recommended to start with small servings and gradually increase as your body becomes more accustomed to it. Some people find that drinking kombucha once or twice a day is sufficient, while others may need to drink it more or less frequently to feel the desired effects.

If you’re new to kombucha, it’s always a good idea to start with a low-sugar option and pay attention to how your body reacts. You may also want to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any preexisting medical conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

So, how often should you drink kombucha for health? The answer is: it’s up to you! Just remember to listen to your body and drink it in moderation to ensure you’re reaping all the potential benefits without overdoing it. 

What Happens If You Drink Kombucha On An Empty Stomach?

Here are a few potential benefits of starting your day with a cold glass of kombucha:

Improved Digestion 

Kombucha is packed with probiotics, beneficial bacteria that help keep your gut healthy and functioning correctly. When you drink kombucha on an empty stomach, these probiotics have a better chance of reaching your intestines and getting to work. This can lead to improved digestion, fewer digestive issues, and a happier belly overall.

Boosted Immune System

The probiotics in kombucha can also help boost your immune system by strengthening your body’s natural defense against illness and disease. So if you’re looking to give your immune system extra support, a daily dose of kombucha might be just what you need.

Increased Energy

Some people swear by kombucha as a natural energy booster. The fermented tea contains small amounts of caffeine, B vitamins, and other nutrients that may give you a little pep in your step.

Can Kombucha Be Harmful? 

With all the hype comes the inevitable question: can kombucha be harmful?

Let’s address the elephant in the room – alcohol. Kombucha can indeed contain a small amount of alcohol, usually around 0.5% or less. For comparison, most light beers have an alcohol content of approximately 4.2%. So while kombucha is not a completely non-alcoholic beverage, it will not get you drunk.

But what about the other potential downsides of kombucha? Some people have reported experiencing side effects such as upset stomach, dizziness, and allergic reactions after drinking kombucha. These symptoms are usually mild and go away on their own, but if you experience anything severe or persistent, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.

It’s also worth mentioning that kombucha can interact with certain medications and medical conditions. For example, kombucha may interfere with the effectiveness of certain antibiotics, and those with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions should be cautious when consuming kombucha, as it can contain trace amounts of mold or other contaminants.

Is Kombucha Toxic To The Liver?

mojo crafted kombuchas

If you’re a kombucha fan, you might have heard some buzz about whether or not this fermented tea can be toxic to your liver. Before you panic and swear off kombucha forever, let’s take a closer look at the facts.

First off, it’s important to note that kombucha itself is not toxic to the liver. It has been shown to have a number of potential health benefits, including aiding digestion and boosting the immune system.

So, if you’ve been enjoying kombucha as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, there’s no need to worry.

However, it’s also important to remember that kombucha is a fermented beverage, which means it does contain small amounts of alcohol. While the alcohol content of kombucha is typically relatively low (usually around 0.5% or less), some batches can have higher levels. 

If you’re sensitive to alcohol or have liver problems, it’s a good idea to check the alcohol content of the kombucha you’re drinking and to speak with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

It’s also worth noting that, like any food or beverage, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction to kombucha. If you experience symptoms like hives, itching, or difficulty breathing after drinking kombucha, it’s important to stop consuming it and to speak with a healthcare provider.


Kombucha can be a tasty and potentially beneficial beverage when consumed in moderation. While it’s essential to be mindful of the potential risks, such as consuming too much in a week or drinking it on an empty stomach, the evidence suggests that kombucha is generally safe to drink. 

So go ahead and enjoy a refreshing glass of kombucha; be sure to do so in moderation and with some common sense.