Soda Brands

hi-c boxes

What Is Hi-C?

Do you like fruity drinks? If so, you have probably encountered Hi-C before. Have you ever thought about asking yourself, “what is Hi-C exactly?” We have the answers for you, though! The world of Hi-C will be examined in this article, from the meaning of the company’s name to the components of its goods. We’ll…

green cola

What is Green Cola?

Unlike Coke or Pepsi, Green Cola isn’t a brand name you might have heard of much. Green Cola is a cola-flavored soda known for its natural ingredients and no artificial sweeteners. You might find it hard to believe that a soda can be healthy. While it may not be completely healthy, it is still a…

Hawaiian punch

Hawaiian Punch 

Are you prepared to explore the delicious Hawaiian Punch world? With its vibrant and exotic flavors that take you right to the islands, this tropical delicacy has been a fan favorite for decades!  Even though we enjoy sipping a refreshing glass of Hawaiian Punch, we’ve always had a few questions regarding this well-known beverage. Is…

Fanta variety of flavors

Fanta – Delicious Fruit Flavored Sodas

Three things are certain in life: death, taxes, and the delicious taste of Fanta. Seriously. This is one drink that will never let you down. Can you imagine a world without these colorful beverages lining the shelves at grocery stores? We know we sure can’t! There’s just something about that fizz that leaves us wanting…

Coca cola truck

 Coca-Cola Collaborations 

Coca-Cola: it’s more than your typical beverage company! Did you know that in addition to producing the beloved carbonated drink, Coca-Cola has its hands (and products) in various other industries?  From food and technology to fashion and beyond, this multi-faceted business juggernaut continues to innovate with new collaborations. So even if their secret recipe for…

coca cola vs coke cans

Is Coke and Coca-Cola Different?

Are you one of those people who casually refer to all soda as “coke,” even if it’s not actually a Coca-Cola brand? Or maybe you’re a stickler for proper terminology and only use “Coca-Cola” to refer to the iconic soft drink.  Either way, you might be wondering: are “coke” and “Coca-Cola” actually different? And if…

starlight coke

What Does Coke’s Recent Specialty Flavors Taste Like?

It’s a given that we are all familiar with coke, or aren’t we? Dr. John Pemberton had given the world something to drink for just every perceivable reason when he invented it way back in the 1880s.  While it’s most famous for being the drink that helps you stay awake at night, Do you know…


What is Nehi Soda?

It’s time for a history lesson – not the boring kind. You might have heard of a little something called Nehi Soda. This refreshing drink is an iconic part of the U.S. beverage industry — for a good reason, too.  It remains a household name in the States today, thanks to its unique taste, enticing…

nitro pepsi

Nitro Soda

In recent years, you might have heard of Nitro Soda. The name is exactly what it sounds like: a soda infused with nitrogen. However, it differs from regular sodas, which are infused with carbon dioxide instead.  There has been a trend of nitrogen-infused drinks over the years. Beers and coffees with nitrogen have become fairly…

Moxie definition

What is Moxie Original Elixir?

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Have you ever heard of Moxie Original Elixir? This drink made big waves in the beverage industry when it first launched in the 1800s. Seriously. It was practically life-changing.  Today, it’s still widely available (and popular!) in the United States. Fans of the beverage love it…