
Grossest Soda

15 Grossest Sodas of All Time

Sodas are a gift to humanity. A chilled soda energizes you and quenches your thirst at the same time. In addition, sodas satisfy our love for sweet things with their sugary taste. Unfortunately, not all sodas got the memo. You are at a party, and a friend passes you a soda. You miss the mischievous…

glass of club soda

What is Club Soda?

You may have heard of carbonated water, such as tonic water, seltzer, and sparkling water. But have you ever come across another type of carbonated water called club soda? Right from its name, you can already tell it has carbonation in it. However, the coolest thing about club soda is that it’s much healthier than…

what is ramune soda

What is Ramune Soda?

Ramune soda is a carbonated soft drink that is one of the most popular drinks in Japan. The Japanese soda can be described as a sort of carbonated lemonade with a sweet flavor, somewhat similar to Sprite. The name Ramune is pronounced “raa-moo-nay” and comes from the english word for “lemonade.” That explains its original…

brown cream soda next to red cream soda

What is the Difference Between Brown Cream Soda and Red Cream Soda?

Brown cream soda is used synonymously with regular cream soda. And red cream soda is regarded by several people to be a derivative of cream soda. But is this true? I opened my computer to research the similarities and differences between these two categories of cream soda, and I was surprised to find out that…

What Flavor is Big Red Soda?

What Flavor Is Big Red Soda? – Everything You Need To Know

Big red soda is a creamy soft drink with a unique taste and flavor. Created in 1937 out of Waco, Texas, by Grover C. Thomsen and R.H. Roark, the big red pop has grown to become a big part of many Texas family traditions.  Big red soda was called Sun Tang Big Red Cream Soda…

close up of coke bottle filled with brown liquid laying on ice

What color is coke?

The word “Coke” is not new to many people in countries around the world, cutting across different continents. It’s believed that out of every 5 persons in the world, at least 3 know about coke and can easily identify with it even though Coke is not the only soft drink known to the world. Ever…